Watch this video to learn more about the support & services we provide to children healing from witnessing and experiencing violence.


Services for Students

Community Schools

Our Community Schools model prepares students for success in the classroom and in life by providing rigorous supports to address students' physical, emotional and social wellbeing. In partnership with teachers and school leaders, our staff build a network of support that meets the unique needs and interests of students and their families, through resources rooted in their own neighborhoods. Explicitly addressing challenges that children may face - from housing instability, food insecurity, inadequate medical care, trauma to exposure to violence, helps to remove barriers that keep students from attending school while diminishing their readiness to learn. Deep engagement with families and community members helps to enrich learning opportunities, which reinforces a commitment to shared goals, all while strengthening the school as a center for support, connection and success. Our aim is that all children have access to educational opportunities, families have pathways to economic mobility and communities are healthy and safe.

Behavioral Health & Wellness

We provide counseling to support social and emotional development for school aged children, with a special focus on the impacts of trauma. Our team of professionals - many of whom are from the same LA neighborhoods we serve - help to navigate and reduce symptoms of traumatic stress, improve coping skills and build resilience. Programs range from individual and family treatments to specialized support groups.

Community Activities

Our community activities for young children encourage learning through play and new experiences. These programs - ACT, Power UP!, Galaxy, Camp Booth and more - help children develop social skills, learn positive habits, create friendships and build confidence.

School Counseling

We provide school-based counseling for students at over 30 schools in the Los Angeles Unified School District. Our team of professionals - many of whom are from the same LA neighborhoods we serve - help kids overcome challenges and build resilience for success at school and in life.

Family Services

We provide individualized services for families in the child welfare system with the goal of building a more stable and healthy future. Services include counseling for children and parents, parent education and support with employment and housing issues. At CII, we have a “whatever it takes” approach to keep children safe and families strong.

Care Management

CII's care coordinators provide support for families navigating health & wellness services. Creating a network of holistic support means working with partner organizations, health care providers and other CII programs in order to help families improve their day to day well-being.


Witnessing gun violence is a traumatic experience for a child and can have long-lasting effects on their social and emotional health. We work with families to identify and treat trauma following exposure to gun violence. With support and resources, children can overcome trauma and continue their healthy development.

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