Consider Making a Gift to Children’s Institute

December 22, 2022
Martine Singer

Every family deserves to be happy, healthy and safe.

That’s why we need your help to ensure that children and families have the resources they need to achieve educational success and emotional wellbeing, that build pathways to economic mobility. Please consider making a gift to Children’s Institute!

For over a century, CII’s whole family service model has been a lifeline for so many—providing food and other basic necessities, along with early education, mental health care and employment supports to multiple generations in a family at critical stages of their lives.

Each year, thousands of families across Los Angeles entrust their children into the care of our expert and compassionate teachers, therapists and care coordinators. We interact with our communities in such meaningful ways through one-on-one counseling, parent meetings and family-friendly events that take place throughout the year.

We know that families in our programs often experience more stress around the holidays as schools providing daily meals close for winter break, colder weather increases the cost of utility bills and the demand for warm clothing, and holiday activities often strain overstretched budgets. Communities still struggling with the economic and emotional aftermath of the pandemic are now feeling the anxiety of increased costs of living, from gas prices to groceries. And, they continue to need our support.

Together, we can make the season brighter for children and families across our county.

As always, we appreciate your generous support.

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